This website started off as a fun hobby project by Justin Shambley during his freshman year of college. Realizing he wanted to listen to a lot of great albums, Shambley started to listen to the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" by Rolling Stone and discovered a passion to review and rate each album on the list. After about 20 albums, Justin decided to start Vinyl Sunset to publish his findings with the world, which eventually evolved into an overall album review website.
I hope you enjoy Vinyl Sunset as much as I have had creating it and I hope together we can discover some amazing music. Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or comments, I'd love to hear from you!
Rating Calculation
Production Quality = (30%)
Mix = (20%)
Innovation = (10%)
Songwriting Quality = ​(20%)
Arrangement = (10%)
Lyricism = (10%)
Instrumentation Quality = (30%)​
Vocal Timbre = (10%)
Instrumental Timbre = (10%)
Group Chemistry = (10%)
Overall Likability = (20%)​
My Personal Rating = (20%)